[web-team] Guest to SVLUG

Suraj suraj at symonds.net
Sat May 4 23:57:56 PDT 2002


  I'm glad to introduce myself as Suraj Kumar, Webmaster, Indian Linux
Users Group - Chennai. 

  I'm writing this mail to inform you that an eminent member of our
group and a voluntary activist, Mr.M.N.Karthik would be visiting SV in
the next few days. I would like to know if he can be honoured and
invited to deliver a few words at one of your forthcoming meetings.

About M.N.Karthik:

* M.N.Karthik helped ILUGC during the "Chennai Linux Expo" through his
  active support and help. 


* He has given technical seminars and lectures at our group and has many
  a times helped us by writing minutes of the meetings.

* Being the geek that he is, he has been into AI, Graphics and NLP.
  Security, Cryptography and networking are the other areas where he has
  also ventured.

* More information about M.N.Karthik can be found at:

  I would love to hear your feedback and know if a formal invite to
  M.N.K. is possible.

  Thanking you in Advance.


    Suraj Kumar
	 Webmaster, ILUGC
+----------------------------------------------<suraj at chennailug.org>--+
| A coward with a sword on the field, and a scholar                    |
| fearing an assembly of the wise, are futile                          |
| (fearlessness before an audienc - 7), Thirukkural                    |

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