[svlug] Best FTP Server

Anthony Ettinger aettinger at sdsualumni.org
Thu Mar 9 11:47:11 PST 2006

On 3/9/06, lordSauron <lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/9/06, Anthony Ettinger <aettinger at sdsualumni.org> wrote:
> > proftpd, although why anyone is running ftp anymore is beyond me. use scp
> Pardon my French, but what on earth is SCP?
> --
> ========== GCv3.12 ==========
> GCS d-(++) s+: a? C++ UL+>++++ P+
> L++ E--- W+(+++) N++ o? K? w--- O? M+
> V? PS- PE+ Y-(--) PGP- t+++ 5? X R tv-- b+
>                 DI+++ D+ G e* h- !r !y
> ========= END GCv3.12 ========

"secure copy", copies files remotely via ssh vs. over ftp. There are a
lot of gui's for this as well, gftp, filezilla.sf.net (win32), that
will use scp over ssh2 (and/or sftp). I'm not sure what the difference
is between scp and sftp, all I know is I don't need an ftp server to
use sftp.

Anthony Ettinger
Signature: http://chovy.dyndns.org/hcard.html

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