[svlug] Thunder.Net self-designated as a "major sponsor" (without permission)

Ian Kluft ikluft at thunder.sbay.org
Wed Mar 1 16:57:34 PST 2006

On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 04:24:09PM -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Ian Kluft (ikluft at thunder.sbay.org):
> > This occurred during Rick's self-imposed exile of 2001-2004.  It isn't the
> > first time he has denied that events from that period happenned.  In reality
> > he simply has no information about it.
> Here's your entry from html/RCS/sponsors.shtml,v , when you, a
> non-Web Team member, added yourself:
> 1.26
> date    2003.;    author ikluft;  state Exp;
> branches;
> There was no discussion of this on the officers (or volunteers) 
> mailing list.  I would have known.  So, you'll pardon me if I see no
> reason to believe you.

Why don't you ask Heather before believing your own inability to find it?
She drew it specifically to put it in the sponsor image rotation.  It was
discussed... but I'll leave it to you to do your own search since you seem
to think you're so good at that.

The definition of what and who got represented on the "sponsors" list
has varied over the years.  Even if it has been redefined again recently,
at the time there was intent to include thanks to members in it.  If you
think you know the history of it so well, tell me who wrote the code that
does the sponsor image rotation?

If it isn't consistent with the current definition (i.e. if it has changed
exclusively to large corporate sponsors and no longer includes members),
I have no objection to making it consistent.  There are appropriate ways
to handle that.  What you're doing right now is not among them.

> (It is, frankly, obviously inappropriate for someone to list himself as
> a _major SVLUG sponsor_ for merely providing a couple of lines in named.conf.)

You seem to like redefining me as a "non-web-team member" for your
convenience.  But I was one of the original participants on the SVLUG
Web Team, and helped in various capacities from 1998 to 2005, when the
Web Team was decommissioned.

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