March 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 06:19:51 PST 2003
Ending: Mon Mar 31 20:28:50 PST 2003
Messages: 249
- [svlug] accessing VGA memory as RAM?
Ira Abramov
- [svlug] TCP checksum ignored?
Ira Abramov
- [svlug] Re: TCP checksum ignored?
Ira Abramov
- [svlug] Re: Re: TCP checksum ignored?
Ira Abramov
- [svlug] Re: Revolution-OS DVD/VHS out
Ira Abramov
- [svlug] Re: using linux in schools
Ira Abramov
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Kevin J. Anderson
- [svlug] new type of spam?
Florin Andrei
- [svlug] new type of spam?
Florin Andrei
- [svlug] None
R Balaji
- [svlug] None
R Balaji
- [[svlug] cisco leap wireless authentication without an aironet card?]
Michael Barnes
- [svlug] Re: setting up a linux web server
Andrew Bertola
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Mark S Bilk
- [svlug] cisco leap wireless authentication without an aironet card?
Matt Billenstein
- [svlug] cisco leap wireless authentication without an aironet card?
Matt Billenstein
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
Matt Billenstein
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
Matt Billenstein
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
William Black
- [svlug] Restore LILO from floppy?
William Black
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
William Black
- [svlug] go speedracer go!
William Black
- [svlug] Linux Consultants Lunch Group
Rich Bodo
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Nate Campi
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Nate Campi
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
Ed Cates
- [svlug] I'm new to the list
James Colannino
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
James Colannino
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
James Colannino
- [svlug] help: /var/lib/dpkg/status file broken
Walter G. da Cruz
- [svlug] help: /var/lib/dpkg/status file broken (fixed)
Walter G. da Cruz
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Paul Cubbage
- [svlug] stress test hard drive?
Vince Duperron
- [svlug] linux based 3d modeling construction software
Erik Fears
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Erik Fears
- [svlug] None
Erik Fears
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based
Erik Fears
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Erik Fears
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Erik Fears
- [svlug] Trademark violation?
David E. Fox
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
David E. Fox
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based
David E. Fox
- [svlug] NT -> Linux/Samba/AFS migration
David E. Fox
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
David E. Fox
- [svlug] Take 3: "Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite"...Action
David E. Fox
- [svlug] what about those tcp flags?
George Georgalis
- [svlug] Re: what about those tcp flags?
George Georgalis
- [svlug] using linux in schools
George Georgalis
- [svlug] Help Installing Snd
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] AutoFormat in OpenOffice
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] Changing the Keyboard Repeat Rate
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] Changing the Keyboard Repeat Rate
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] Changing the Keyboard Repeat Rate
Serban Giuroiu
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
Bill Henderson
- [svlug] cisco leap wireless authentication without an aironet card?
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Zaurus SL-5600 shipping; SL-5500 for as low as $170!
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Greg Herlein
- [svlug] Re: edit a 1GB file
David Hummel
- [svlug] Consoling into a cisco router
Garry Jackson
- KDE talk Monday (was Re: [svlug] notes from 3/12 SacLUG meeting)
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] Zaurus SL-5600 shipping; SL-5500 for as low as $170!
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] Zaurus SL-5600 shipping; SL-5500 for as low as $170!
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Bill Kendrick
- [svlug] sftp-server processes
Robert Khachikyan
- [svlug] notes from 3/12 SacLUG meeting
Ian Kluft
- [svlug] SBAY Pizza Reminder - Sat 3/15 (fwd)
Ian Kluft
- [svlug] Newbie Question
Roland Krause
- [svlug] Newbie Question
Roland Krause
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
Robert Hajime Lanning
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
Robert Hajime Lanning
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Robert Hajime Lanning
- [svlug] Windoz XP
Karl F. Larsen
- [svlug] Two CD burners
Karl F. Larsen
- [svlug] Two CD burners
Karl F. Larsen
- [svlug] Two CD burners
Karl F. Larsen
- [svlug] March 27th: .Net on Linux - The Mono Project
Ron Lautmann
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] non-graphical documentation in man, texinfo, text, html, etc., formats
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] NT -> Linux/Samba/AFS migration
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] TCP checksum ignored?
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] Re: TCP checksum ignored?
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] sftp-server processes
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] Bugtracking: Bugzilla installation, other BTS?
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] select implementation
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] using linux in schools
J C Lawrence
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
Gary Lin
- [svlug] Consoling into a cisco router
Will Lowe
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
Will Lowe
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
Will Lowe
- [svlug] new type of spam?
Todd Lyons
- [svlug] Digital Speakers (Was Re: Speaker Wire vs CAT5)
- [svlug] Re: E vs gnome
- [svlug] Re: setting up a linux web server
- [svlug] go speedracer go!
- [svlug] BALUG Mtg. Tomorrow 3/18 PHP w/Rasmus Lerdorf in SF
- [svlug] JOBOFR: linux device driver consultants
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
- [svlug] developer survey
- [svlug] linux based 3d modeling construction software
Don Marti
- [svlug] Windoz XP
Don Marti
- [svlug] non-graphical documentation in man, texinfo, text, html, etc., formats
Don Marti
- [svlug] Take 3: "Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite"...Action
Don Marti
- [svlug] Re: using linux in schools
Don Marti
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
Dan Martinez
- [svlug] cert study partner
Marc Maxwell
- [svlug] stress test hard drive?
Aniruddha Mulay
- [svlug] Revolution-OS DVD/VHS out
Bhavesh Patel
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Aaron T Porter
- [svlug] Newbie Question
Naveen Prabhu
- [svlug] CUPS printing (newbie)
Subba Rao
- [svlug] Proper disposal of defunt CRTs
Randy J. Ray
- [svlug] Help needed...
Siddharth Ray
- [svlug] Digital Speakers (Was Re: Speaker Wire vs CAT5)
Walter Reed
- [svlug] new type of spam?
Walter Reed
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Walter Reed
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
Walter Reed
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
Walter Reed
- [svlug] linux based 3d modeling construction software
- [svlug] CUPS printing (newbie)
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
- [svlug] select implementation
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
- [svlug] stress test hard drive?
Justin Ryan
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
Stephen R. Savitzky
- [svlug] Windoz XP
Stephen R. Savitzky
- [svlug] Restore LILO from floppy?
Bill Schoolcraft
- [svlug] what about those tcp flags?
Rick Schultz
- [svlug] cross-compiling on debian
Rick Schultz
- [svlug] cross-compiling on debian
Rick Schultz
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
Rick Schultz
- [svlug] Need procmail recepie for >100k attachments.
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] Help needed...
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] Monochrome VGA LCD display -- or 80x24 - 80x60 text?
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] Changing the Keyboard Repeat Rate
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] non-graphical documentation in man, texinfo, text, html, etc., formats
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] Bugtracking: Bugzilla installation, other BTS?
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] Cell Phone Locking
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] SIS 650 chipset experiences/configs?
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] SIS 650 chipset experiences/configs?
Karsten M. Self
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
Karen Shaeffer
- [svlug] NT -> Linux/Samba/AFS migration
Richard Sharpe
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Jason Shupe
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
Jeffrey Siegal
- [svlug] CBQ Question
Ravi Simhambhatla
- [svlug] old computer query
Rafael Skodlar
- [svlug] old computer query
Rafael Skodlar
- [svlug] Consoling into a cisco router
Rafael Skodlar
- [svlug] using linux in schools
Rafael Skodlar
- [svlug] NT -> Linux/Samba/AFS migration
Webb Sprague
- [svlug] Meetings coming this week :D
Heather Stern
- [svlug] Proper disposal of defunt CRTs
Brian Street
- [svlug] Annoying BSA Ad
Jeff Suttor
- [svlug] Trademark violation?
Jeff Suttor
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
N. Thomas
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
N. Thomas
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
N. Thomas
- [svlug] AutoFormat in OpenOffice
- [svlug] help: /var/lib/dpkg/status file broken
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
- [svlug] Newbie Question
- [svlug] Two CD burners
- [svlug] sftp-server processes
- [svlug] SIS 650 chipset experiences/configs?
- [svlug] [svlug-announce] SVLUG: PGP Key Signing 18:45 Wed 5 March
Steve Traugott
- [svlug] "Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite" Take 2
Ukulelekid at
- [svlug] Take 3: "Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite"...Action
Ukulelekid at
- [svlug] linux based 3d modeling construction software
Daevid Vincent
- [svlug] How to get secureCRT and RH term to look right?
Daevid Vincent
- [svlug] Proper disposal of defunt CRTs
Gordon Vrololjak
- [svlug] go speedracer go!
Gordon Vrololjak
- [svlug] old computer query
Gordon Vrololjak
- [svlug] AT&T High Speed Internet
William R Ward
- [svlug] Linux bay
William R Ward
- [svlug] Proper disposal of defunt CRTs
William R Ward
- [svlug] How to get secureCRT and RH term to look right?
William R Ward
- [svlug] new type of spam?
William R Ward
- [svlug] NT -> Linux/Samba/AFS migration
William R Ward
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
William R Ward
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
William R Ward
- [svlug] I'm new to the list
William R Ward
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
William R Ward
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
William R Ward
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
William R Ward
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help
William R Ward
- [svlug] Bugtracking: Bugzilla installation, other BTS?
William R Ward
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
William R Ward
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
William R Ward
- [svlug] edit a 1GB file
William R Ward
- [svlug] using linux in schools
William R Ward
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
David E. Weekly
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
David E. Weekly
- [svlug] colocation: advice needed
David E. Weekly
- [svlug] None
David N. Welton
- [svlug] None
David N. Welton
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
David N. Welton
- [svlug] non-graphical documentation in man, texinfo, text, html, etc., formats
David N. Welton
- [svlug] non-graphical documentation in man, texinfo, text, html, etc., formats
David N. Welton
- [svlug] Can anyone recommend a good browser for linux based appliance?
David N. Welton
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
David N. Welton
- [svlug] Slightly OT - EFF Support
Margaret Wendall
- [svlug] CUPS printing (newbie)
Paul Zander
- [svlug] Survey: Secrets of the Linux Developers Elite
Paul Zander
- [svlug] re: Newbie Question (Naveen Prabhu)
Paul Zander
- [svlug] Thanks for SAMBA help
Paul Zander
- [svlug] Revolution-OS DVD/VHS out
Jeremy Zawodny
- [svlug] [svlug-announce] Installfest this Saturday
bchrisman at
- [svlug] Proper disposal of defunt CRTs
dpchrist at
- [svlug] non-graphical documentation in man, texinfo, text, html, etc., formats
dpchrist at
- [svlug] Re: what about those tcp flags?
- [svlug] Re: Apology Demanded
marc_news at
- [svlug] Linux Demo in Davis, March 15th, 2003
- [svlug] Linux Installfest workshop in Davis - Sunday, March 16th
- [svlug] March 17th - Linux User Group Meeting - KDE: The K Desktop Environment
- [svlug] April 1st - Linux User Group Meeting - Digeo's "Moxi" Media Center
- [svlug] April 1st - Linux User Group of Davis - Digeo's "Moxi" Media Center
- [svlug] 'Big Iron' at Linux Users' Group of Davis this Spring: Oracle and IBM!
- [svlug] A Little Hackie for wget?
- [svlug] Newbie Question
jeremy siu
- [svlug] [svlug-announce] REMINDER: SVLUG Wed Mar 5: Seth Schoen: The Empire Strikes Back
stevegt at
- [svlug] [svlug-announce] SVLUG Apr 2: Jim Reese: Google's Linux Infrastructure
stevegt at
- [svlug] Home Networking - I need help at
- [svlug] ANN: Python II course (Sunnyvale, CA)
wesc at
- [svlug] ANN: Python II course (Silicon Valley, CA)
wesc at
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 20:28:50 PST 2003
Archived on: Fri Nov 21 14:20:27 PST 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).