[svlug] Disabling hardware probling in kickstart

Marc MERLIN marc_news at merlins.org
Wed Aug 14 08:59:43 PDT 2002

On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 03:03:48AM -0700, Drew wrote:
> We got close.  I suggested using the "noapic" or "apic" option, not
> remembering which was correct.  We only tried the incorrect "noapic"
> option (which I suppose was meaningless).  Darn close.
> text apic ks=floppy 
> would have done the trick, I think.  It's all in bugzilla, but rather
> hard to find.  It's also in svlug's archive, but also hard to find.

That will teach me for assuming that it had to be fixed in 7.3 (since it was
a 7.0/7.1 problem) :-)

That said, it was a good problem to have, I learned how to get kickstart to
ignore the probing it was about to do and to replace its idea of a SCSI card
with another one of my choice (DPT module)

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