[svlug] Registrars?

Bill Jonas bill at billjonas.com
Sun Aug 11 07:18:28 PDT 2002

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 01:14:39PM -0700, Greg Herlein wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good registrar?

I've had a good experience with gandi.net.  Their rate is 12 Euros/year,
and they provide a nice web interface.  I particularly like their
attitude as evidenced in their contract; after the introductory
definitions, the first two sentences are, "The Client owns the Domain
Name registered.  Gandi simply acts on the Client's behalf."  Also, they
provide domain parking and web and email forwarding at no additional

I was going to suggest a registrar comparison site, but it doesn't seem
to be around any longer and the domain was bought by a registrar.

Bill Jonas    *    bill at billjonas.com    *    http://www.billjonas.com/
"They that can give up  essential  liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."        -- Benjamin Franklin
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