[Speakers] Kylix talk at SVLUG?

Marc MERLIN marc_news at vasoftware.com
Mon Jan 21 18:05:01 PST 2002

----- Forwarded message from Jean-Sebastien Neveu <jsneveu at borland.com> -----

From: Jean-Sebastien Neveu <jsneveu at borland.com>
Subject: Kylix talk at SVLUG?
To: marc_www at merlins.org
Organization: Borland Software Corp.

Good afternoon Marc,

My name is Jean-Sébastien Neveu and I'm the program manager for the Linux team in the RAD BU at Borland. You may or may not know about Kylix. Kylix is basically Delphi ported native to Linux and we just released v2 back in November. We're very enthousiastic about this tool just like we are about Delphi but more importantly, our Linux customers have been acclaiming Kylix v2 and things are really looking good for the future.

Anyway, at the moment we're working on delivering C++ support à-la-BC++ Builder on the Linux platform and although I already have quite a few field testers lined up for my upcoming field test, I want to recruit more Linux hardcore guys. The reality is many of my current field testers are long time Delphi customers coming over from the Windows world. The gives us absolutely great feedback but I sense there is some deeply-linux kind of feedback which I'm not getting.

I was wondering if you guys would be interested if we'd visit you and present Kylix to your audience along with an interesting demo? I would do that with my product manager who is more technically focused that I am and we would like to take this opportunity to invite your members to join the ranks of our field testers and give a good beating to our upcoming pre-releases of our C++ IDE.

I'm not thinking about giving a sales spin to that. Just a technically oriented presentation for a technically oriented audience. This would also be another opportunity for us to get our pulse on the Linux community and hear it all from the hourse's mouth. I could probably get one of my architect to join as well for an even more technical session if you think it would be worth it.

I don't know if your club charter allows for that. I understand it could be perceived as a sales pitch and I won't hide the fact that if it results in  increased sales I wouldn't be sad, but really this is not my primary motivation here. I want to increase awareness about the tool, about what we're doing on Linux and see if your fellow developers are interested in helping us shape the future of RAD on Linux.

You might be interested to know that we also release an "Open Edition" of Kylix for free, downloadable from http://www.borland.com/kylix/. Just to be clear: This is *not* an open source product. It's a free edition (with reduced features set) of Kylix, which allows anyone to develop and distribute/deploy applications under the terms of the GPL. IOW, if you ship your applications under GPL, we're willing to help you with a free really great tool. If you ship proprietary-commercially than we want to participate in the profits.

I don't know if you have room in your 2/6 agenda but it would be really great for us. If not then maybe on 3/6?


// Jean-Sébastien Neveu,               Linux Program Manager
// Borland Software Corp.              RAD Products Group
// 100 Enterprise Way                  jsneveu at borland.com
// Scotts Valley, CA 95066             Tel +1-831-431-1932
// Accelerate your Linux® application development with Kylix(TM), the RAD
// tool for Linux. Easily integrate web, desktop and database development
// to quickly deliver fast Linux applications. Kylix is the only Linux
// development tool that combines the world's fastest compiler with the
// most productive visual design environment for GUI, web and database
// programming. Order your copy now!
// http://www.borland.com/kylix/

----- End forwarded message -----

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