[Speakers] Presentation: Rapid Development of Linux DesktopApplications

Heather Stern star at starshine.org
Wed Oct 30 02:13:22 PST 2002

On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 08:42:30PM -0800, Joyce Cao Traugott wrote:
> Heather,
> I will go ahead update the website to show them being the speakers for
> December, since they sent us the descriptions already.  

Looks juicy, too.  Go for it.  As agreed, the webspace for the speakers
area is yours by default.

> I hope you haven't asked anyone else for December talk.

Since I'm not the speaker-coordinator myself, even if I had a
bird-in-the-hand I wouldn't have promised it to anyone as solid until
I'd run it past speakers at .

And I'd have been eager to get them handed off before I spaced on them;
life's pretty full for me right now.
I'm December's EC for BayLISA, so I need to seek speakers anyway;  none of
my efforts are a total waste :>
> Joyce
  . | .   Heather Stern
--->*<--- Starshine Technical Services
  ' | `   SVLUG Web Content Coordinator
 [abstract ellided]

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