[Speakers] Presentation: Rapid Development of Linux Desktop Applications

Dr. Roland Krause roland at ca.wai.com
Mon Oct 28 10:15:11 PST 2002

Rapid Development of Linux Desktop Applications
by Charles Samuels and Roland Krause

In this presentation we will explore the development infrastructure
that the K Desktop Environment (http://www.kde.org/) offers to novice
programmers and expert software engineers. 

Special emphasis is placed on the use of advanced software management
tools, such as the KDevelop IDE. 

The use of modern user interface development libraries such as Qt is 

The presentation aims to give an overview of the fascinating possibilities
the K Desktop Environment provides for programming desktop applications under 

About the speakers: 

Charles Samuels is a KDE core developer, he is the author and maintainer of 
the KDE multimedia player Noatun. Charles works as a Software Engineer in 

Roland Krause is a KDE power user and has contributed some code to the 
KDevelop IDE. Roland is a Senior Research Engineer in Los Altos. 

Dr. Roland Krause                             On the road of life
Senior Research Engineer                      there are drivers
Weidlinger Associates Inc.                    and there are mechanics.
http://www.wai.com/                           Mechanics wanted!

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