[Speakers] Re: SVLUG October 2002

Peter Ryser Peter.Ryser at xilinx.com
Wed Jun 26 22:20:02 PDT 2002

Hi Steve,

okay, point taken. Since I'm anyway afraid that not everybody knows what an FPGA is, I've three more
Linux on Programmable Hardware
Penguin Reprogrammed
Linux a la Carte                 (close to the title of the LJ article)

> Talks for open-source groups need a different approach than standard
> brand-building.  You want to go heavy on technology and light on

> branding.

Don't panic (I'll bring a towel), I'm an engineer and not marketing and will focus on technology and
not on branding.
I hope to be able to send you a draft by end of tomorrow.

- Peter

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