[Speakers] Speakers ($0.02)

Marc MERLIN marc_news at vasoftware.com
Thu Apr 11 19:21:13 PDT 2002

On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 03:29:20PM -0800, Charles Ritter wrote:
> It would be really great for the group to have a few meetings a year where
> the members speak about  what they are doing.  Back in  the good ol' days,
> all SVLUG meeting were that way; It was an opportunity for members to grow
> and contribute,  and for others  to learn  about their neighbors.   In the
> corporate  frenzy that  consumed Linux  in  1999 the  members became  just
> another audience for corporate marketing spiel.

I think it's a  good idea (sorry for the late answer, I  haven't been on top
of my mail lately)

I'm  going to  ask on  the svlug  list  for members  to give  us short  talk

Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
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