[Speakers] Invitation to speak: Silicon Valley Linux Users Group

Steve Traugott stevegt at TerraLuna.Org
Mon Apr 8 00:15:56 PDT 2002

Hi Sam!

Don Marti sent me your direction, and I'm looking at your article in

We're looking for a speaker for our May 1st monthly meeting for SVLUG
(Silicon Valley Linux Users Group).  You'd be in good company -- Larry
Wall was the speaker for April.  (He packed the house -- around 350
people, I think.  Ordinarily it's around 200.)

Standard boilerplate below, with more info.  Are you interested?


P.S.  I'm also at Ames, but very part-time lately -- associated with
code IN.


The Silicon Valley Linux User Group (SVLUG) has openings for speakers
for our monthly meetings during several upcoming months, including May
1st.  If you would like to present a topic of general interest to
the Linux community, please feel free to contact SVLUG speaker
coordinator Steve Traugott at speakers at svlug.org.  

About the group:

The Silicon Valley Linux User Group (SVLUG) is the oldest and one of
the largest Linux user groups in the world.  Past speakers include
Marc Andreessen, Paul Vixie, Tim O'Reilly, and Larry Wall.  SVLUG
celebrated its 10th anniversary at the March 4, 1998 meeting, where
Linus Torvalds addressed an audience of 500 people.  

SVLUG members include Linux professionals and enthusiasts in the
vicinity of San Jose, California, internationally known as Silicon
Valley.  Member interests include Linux and free or low-cost
implementations of Unix, open source software, and commercial products
which incorporate Linux.  The group was originally formed in 1988 as
the PC-Unix Special Interest Group of the Silicon Valley Computer

SVLUG meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month, in
conference centers provided by Cisco.  The meetings are either
technical presentations, product demonstrations, or general question
and answer meetings.  Typical audience size for the monthly meeting is
150-250 people, with as many as twice that for popular topics.  The
standard room configuration includes video projector and wireless
microphones.  All meetings are free and open to the public.

See http://www.svlug.org for more information.

Steve Traugott 
Speaker Coordinator, Silicon Valley Linux Users Group
UNIX/Linux Infrastructure Architect, TerraLuna LLC
stevegt at TerraLuna.Org   

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