[Speakers] 3ware speaking opportunity

Steve Traugott stevegt at TerraLuna.Org
Wed Mar 27 23:20:05 PST 2002

Hi Pete,

Would you be able to do a 1.5 (or so) hour talk?   First Wednesday
night of May, June, or July?


On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 01:20:58PM -0800, Pete Kisich wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> We would be very interested in coming to speak to SVLUG about our current
> and future products for the Linux platform.  3ware is focused on our very
> dedicated Linux user base and open source.    
> In short, we provide Linux developers and users the ability to build
> inexpensive,  multi-terabyte ATA RAID systems with performance equal to or
> better than most SCSI controllers.  You can get more details at out website
> at www.3ware.com.
> Let me know when you would like to schedule us to come in and talk to the
> group.  We would only need roughly 10 minutes to present plus q/a.  Thanks.
> Pete Kisich
> Sr. Systems Engineer
> 3ware, Inc.

Steve Traugott 
Speaker Coordinator, Silicon Valley Linux Users Group
UNIX/Linux Infrastructure Architect, TerraLuna LLC
stevegt at TerraLuna.Org   

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