[Speakers] Speakers ($0.02)

Steve Traugott stevegt at TerraLuna.Org
Wed Mar 27 23:11:59 PST 2002

On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 03:29:20PM -0800, Charles Ritter wrote:
> It would be really great for the group to have a few meetings a year where the
> members speak about what they are doing.  Back in the good ol' days, all SVLUG
> meeting were that way; It was an opportunity for members to grow and
> contribute, and for others to learn about their neighbors.  

Was this several mini-presentations a night, or one person per night,
or something less formal?

> In the corporate
> frenzy that consumed Linux in 1999 the members became just another audience for
> corporate marketing spiel.

Some of that was due to laziness and/or time constraints -- the
marketers hunt us; to get anyone else we have to do the hunting.  I've
so far been turning away things which smelled like corporate marketing
spiels.  I get 2-3 such offers per month...

Stephen G. Traugott 
UNIX/Linux Infrastructure Architect, TerraLuna LLC
stevegt at TerraLuna.Org   

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