[Speakers] speaking in the SF area

Alan Shalloway alshall at netobjectives.com
Sat Mar 2 07:42:07 PST 2002


I'm the primary author of Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on
Object-Oriented Design.  I'll be speaking at both Java One and SD Expo this
March and April, respectively.  I am wanting to do a talk in the areas (San
Francisco and San Jose) each time I am down there.  The two talks I would
like to do would be: Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on
Object-Oriented Design (see
http://netobjectives.com/events/pr_2002_02_podev.htm - don't worry about the
different name) and Refactoring, Design Patterns and XP
(see http://netobjectives.com/events/pr_den_2002_02_refactoring.htm for a
description of that).  I'm looking to do the first one March 27 or 28th in
San Francisco and the second one April 24-25 in San Jose.  I am looking for
two user groups to provide me with a location for these talks (no fee) and
to allow me to announce it to their list.  I understand this wouldn't be at
your normal meeting times but I think your membership would find it

If you don't want to sponser this (I'm not looking for a fee, just a place
to give the talk) can you suggest a company that could provide a room at no


Alan Shalloway
Sr Consultant, 425-260-8754, http://www.netobjectives.com
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Alan Shalloway
Sr Consultant, 425-260-8754, http://www.netobjectives.com
* Sign up for our free newsletter by sending an e-mail to
info at netobjectives.com
* Learn about and join our design pattern community of practice by going to
* Jim Trott's & my book - Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on
Object-Oriented Design is now available
* Scott Bain's & my new CD based XML training is now available as well

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