[Smaug] Digest mode setting

Max Baker max at warped.org
Wed Nov 9 13:59:11 PST 2005

Hi Rick,

On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 12:57:08PM -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> This setting within Mailman's Digest Options has always been set to "Yes":
>   Should a digest be dispatched daily when the size threshold isn't
>   reached? 
> Thus, unless something's very broken in Mailman[1], you should not have
> more than a partial day's delay.

Thanks for verifying this.  I guess what happens is the call for meeting
goes out monday morning, but then the digest doesn't go out till monday

I don't see any reason to lower the byte size.  As you pointed out that
would negate the whole reason for digest mode. 

I guess I will change my request to be : if announcing a meeting, try to
remember to do it at least a day ahead for the irresponsible types like


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