[Smaug] Web site maintenance (was: scruz.org re-design)

cerise@armory.com cerise at armory.com
Tue Nov 8 11:19:01 PST 2005

On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 10:53:09AM -0800, Jay Campbell wrote:
> I'd be happy to run a Drupal for SMAUG on the Got.net network. Group
> blogging, individual blogging, discussion forums, image libraries,
> etc etc etc. I don't make many SMAUG meetings these days but Got.net 
> does have some "staying power" and we dig you guys. Makes me miss SCLUG.
> j

Hi Jay -- Welcome to the flamewar!  8)

I think that'd be totally awesome 8)  I was going to offer to host it on
my shell account server, but I imagine Got.net is slightly better set
up for power outages and the like than my apartment.  ; )

Any objections to turning down this kind offer of help?


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