[Smaug] Web site maintenance (was: scruz.org re-design)

Anthony Ettinger apwebdesign at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 8 10:39:02 PST 2005

--- Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Anthony Ettinger (apwebdesign at yahoo.com):
> > I would recommend either mediawiki or wordpress,
> only
> > requirement is php and mysql.
> This presupposes hosting.  Jacob put the group's
> pages at SourceForge
> because it's free of charge (which didn't thrill me
> at the time, but it 
> wasn't my call).  Do you have a better place to
> suggest?

Sourceforge gives you a database and php. Even I know
that, Rick :)

(I am active in two projects on sf.net)

Anthony Ettinger
ph: (408) 656-2473
web: http://www.apwebdesign.com

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