[Smaug] scruz.org re-design

Anthony Ettinger apwebdesign at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 22:04:52 PST 2005

Nice attitude by the way, I bet it gets you far ;-)

--- Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> Quoting Anthony Ettinger (apwebdesign at yahoo.com):
> > > He's motivated?  Good.  I look forward to him
> joining the
> > > SourceForge project.  
> > 
> > Can I commit changes from an anonymous CVS
> account?
> Not from any anonymous CVS account I've ever heard
> of.  I guess you must
> never have used SourceForge, before, but you should
> have gotten clear on
> that question when you read the site docs.  You
> _are_ going to read the
> site docs, I hope?
> > Actually, I was going to redesign it all.
> Wait, I'm confused:  Weren't you saying your aim was
> simply to 
> improve accessibility?  If so, that doesn't appear
> to call for a total
> redesign at all.  
> I hope you don't mind my being quite frank about
> this:  Your mockup, 
> in addition to completely missing the advantages of
> David's segregation
> of markup into the static portion (*.html files)
> that don't get touched 
> and the server-side includes (*.sub files) that are
> intended to be
> edited, simply doesn't look very good compared to
> David's artistic
> touch.  Aesthetically, it would be a big step
> backwards, in my view.
> (I'm really lousy with graphics myself, but I
> recognise good work when I
> see it.)
> > If possible, why don't you just make a CVS module
> called "redesign"
> > and whoever wants to can hack away at it...
> After you join the project, you can do that
> yourself.  (Haven't we had
> this conversation already?)
> > If updating the date is all that needs to be done,
> I can do that with
> > javascript or an ssi perl script.
> It's a bit more complex, as you'd know if you'd
> checked out the CVS and
> read the site docs.  
> > Here are a few reasons why you may want to
> implement a new standards
> > design (regardless of who does it):
> And yet, all of those things can be done by merely
> implementing CSS
> instead of tables in the existing design.
> Say, you aren't simply wanting to ignore everything
> that's been done to
> date, because you simply _want_ to do a complete
> site redesign, and this 
> business about accessibility is just an excuse?
> Because you're sounding a whole like a lot of Web
> designers I know, who
> just want an excuse to play around and change
> everything, and whom wild
> horses couldn't drag into merely fixing someone
> _else's_ work, even if
> that makes more sense for the client.

Anthony Ettinger
ph: (408) 656-2473
web: http://www.apwebdesign.com

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